By Christa Pals

Cooperation between SensUR Health and Farminform on prevention in pharmacies

@SensUR Health started implementing point-of-care tests for preventive care earlier this year in collaboration with a consortium consisting of @Friese Apothekers Organisatie, @Certe, @Digital Health Link@Health-Ecore and @UMCG.

This collaboration aims to achieve better health outcomes for patients and contribute to the affordability of care by working with pharmacists to implement low-threshold point-of-care tests. An extra effort on the appropriate use of medicines can be hugely important. By combining clinical and pharmaceutical information with point-of-care test results, patient treatment can be much more targeted or optimised.

@Farminform has joined as a new partner for the next phase focusing on scalable implementation of point-of-care testing in practice. Farminform is a national, independent pharmaceutical data trust for secure data exchange for healthcare providers, governments and industry. Farminform initiates and facilitates various forms of collaboration. From the announced cooperation, Farminform is the trust party that brings together the results and data from point-of-care tests supplemented with data from healthcare practice and makes them available to participating organisations in an appropriate way. This uses Digital Health Link’s data exchange technology.

SensUR Health and Farminform, in a broader collaboration with the aforementioned parties, aim to strengthen the role of pharmacists in the field of prevention. This by making an important contribution to early detection and monitoring of patients by using point-of-care technology and bringing data together in the pharmacy.
