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Better osteoporosis care with data

Farminform and Stichting Farmaceutische Kengetallen (SFK) are working together to answer clinical questions of physicians by bringing together care data.

The objective for the first project is to improve fracture care for the elderly. Every year, 25,000 elderly people break a hip and due to, among other things, the aging of the population, the costs of osteoporosis care will increase significantly in the coming years. Through insight into the use and effects of osteoporosis and co-medication, treatment plans can be sharpened, leading to better care. Obviously, for this study, the safety of patient data will be guaranteed by pseudonymization and aggregation.

In addition to this study, SFK and Farminform are identifying which other studies are socially relevant.
If you have a suggestion for a relevant study, be sure to contact Servaas Buijs.
